Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sunset at North Pole...

"Sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point"
It is almost like a dream.. so beautiful , pretty and amazing! Something so hard to believe..
Sun and Moon together at the same time... in the lovely sky !!
But, we believe in Heaven and we desire to be there .. We assume Life would be brilliant out there in heaven.. we assume it would be peaceful , beautiful and comfortable...
Isn't this picture spectacular??

If we could witness such a marvelous, beautiful moment while our stay on Earth... then I would say Heaven is Over-rated !!!

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Engineer Me?? Through Dance Sings my Soul !

Why am I an Engineer?? I have a world of engineers floating around me.. and I am one of them? I always wanted to be something different and today I sit down and think "Engineer... Me ?? Why?" Why an Electrical Engineer that too someone who was awarded 5 GOLD medals from one of the most prestigious college of India (Delhi College Engineering) think this way? Why someone working in "High-Tech" Industy .. think she is no different from other engineers?

Well.. after all, we are engineers.. innovating, developing , designing and re-shaping technology. After my dance performance at the Shiamak's Winter Funk 2006.. I am so excited and feel so energetic that designing chips ( semiconductor) seems "NO Rocket Science" today !
According to Shiamak Davar, if we could make our hobby our profession... we would be extremely happy and satisfied. Its such a beautiful and eternal feeling to dance... The music, rythm and the steps make you feel divine. Every soul yearns for Music and dance... and being close to soul is being close to God !


Even if I am just another engineer... I would dance till I die to be in tune with my mind- body and soul..
Be the dance.. not the dancer.. be ONE with Music.. enjoy the moment, enjoy peace... Cut the external world and be aware of oneself... Coz when the music starts.. you are DANCE !
Dance makes you strong - physically , mentally , spiritually !

What a Blissful , Energetic , creative and exciting dancing experience that has almost TRANSFORMED my life !


~ Dancing Queen ... coz Through Dance , Sings my SOUL !!

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Thursday, November 16, 2006


This morning it was very foggy. The moon was out and everything had that misty grey dreamy feeling to it. I could just make out the full moon through the glow in the fog overhead. The dew covered the cedar trees in the field which made it look like millions of tiny shimmering blurry lights. I almost had to stop for a moment and remind myself that I was not asleep.

There was no wind and no leaves rustling when I walked out the door. The river has been very low, so I could not hear it either.It was just absence of any sound except my breathing. I stood on the porch in the dark for a while hoping I could hear some little critter. Sometimes I can hear the coyotes in the field in the morning when I come out the door quietly, may be an owl casting its call into the evening. There were no critter noises. It was as if someone had made everything go quietly to sleep....

Sleep so peaceful , calm and serene it made me dream of you. All I wish I could brighten my day with your glowing smile. I am ready to trade "Sunshine" with "your warm bright smile". This quiet morning, I wonder sleepily, when would you "hum" those melodious tunes to wake all of us again !!

(A real experience with a slight twist in end... from one of my best Buddy !!)

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Does that really Matter ?

We all at some point in Life felt that it was Destiny.. we have consoled our soul saying "It was destined to happen"... Those are the times the only way we keep hope is by blaming it all on the Destiny... And if it is Destiny that controls our life then the Choices we make shouldn't matter..

Does that really matter what path you chose, what decisions you made? You might take a longer route or a different path but you would again stand at the same place....
Would that really help to put efforts into something that is destined to fail... I know you would say, "we can make our destiny by hardwork".. But, Do you believe in it ?? Tell me why is it that one person doesn't get rewards for his extreme hardwork while the other perosn is born with a silver-spoon in his mouth... Isn't it destiny ? Or, Magic of Stars ?

We raise our hands up and fall down to his feet, we pray and request and sometimes we weep... But does it really matter?? How would it change our Destiny which is "Meant to be" ?

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