Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

World Lives on Hope !!

While driving on the roads of San Jose for the first time, I came across this street 'Hope Drive'. One friend of mine says - "World Lives on Hope"... And everytime he says this, it reminds me of "Hope Dr"...

I drove to 'Hope Dr' today.. wondering to find The World around there. I am sure if people say World Lives on Hope then there must be a reason to it... In this practical life where "Seeing is Believing", where emotions hold less value, where attitude of everyone around is so materialistic.. I, obviously, didn't want to think 'Hope' as some form of feeling / emotion. Hope to me at this moment was 'Hope Dr' , which is here, in the heart of San Jose city...

How do you define world ? Is it diversity of culture, people, religions, dialects, food ? Or it is the unity of mankind ? Feeling of society and oneness ?
For someone in Love, that one Special person would mean the World to him / her. For a soldier returning to his home after a long 3 year war could mean the World to him. For a mother, 85 years old, seeing her son after 20 years could mean the world. For geeks, world could be World Wide Web (www) or for a politician world could be his territory. For a poet, world could be residing in his dreams.......

I trust my friend who says 'World lives on Hope'.... I am sure he means what he says.. I am sure he found his world out there.... but I didn't find my kind of World on Hope Drive.. Or, May be I should just 'Shut-up & Drive' !

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At 2:09 AM, Blogger Butterfly said...

oh come on! you cant give up hope on hope street....

may b you shd just start hoping and drive... may be you just need to wait a little longer


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