Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Does that really Matter ?

We all at some point in Life felt that it was Destiny.. we have consoled our soul saying "It was destined to happen"... Those are the times the only way we keep hope is by blaming it all on the Destiny... And if it is Destiny that controls our life then the Choices we make shouldn't matter..

Does that really matter what path you chose, what decisions you made? You might take a longer route or a different path but you would again stand at the same place....
Would that really help to put efforts into something that is destined to fail... I know you would say, "we can make our destiny by hardwork".. But, Do you believe in it ?? Tell me why is it that one person doesn't get rewards for his extreme hardwork while the other perosn is born with a silver-spoon in his mouth... Isn't it destiny ? Or, Magic of Stars ?

We raise our hands up and fall down to his feet, we pray and request and sometimes we weep... But does it really matter?? How would it change our Destiny which is "Meant to be" ?

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At 11:21 AM, Blogger Amit Bist said...

very true.....but u can write far better...

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Gaurav Nayyar said...

i dont believe its destiny....
Whenever we fail somewhere we try to find some excuse to allay ourselves and we say it was not in my destiny. I always believe its always hardwork and good deeds that creates results. Sometimes you wont get the results immediately and we call that it was not in my destiny...but someone somewhere is noticing us and keeping accounts of our deeds and we do have to pay for it or get rewarded for it...

But yeah whatever written is everyday commonly we think or tend to think...

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Butterfly said...

Well Surbhi,
It is is a good Q. to ask yourself in times of frustration.

But not doing your deeds in d name of destiny is like stoping urself frm falling in love coz of fear of getting hurt or like killing urself coz u eventually ahve to die.

If things r meant to be they will be. But what is important is how hard did you try before reaching the destiny.

I think this is best explained in "geeta" (which I ahvent read in detail) whr dey say "Karam kar fal ki ichha mat kar"


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