Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


UNDEFINED :: something which is missing in dictionary and the thesaurus... But, this UNDEFINED feeling does exist somewhere in your heart... You are the only one who can feel it.. Your mind knows that it EXISTS... but then how do you convey it/ prove it ?

You miss all the signs and the world appears like a Matrix.... Matrix running in front of your eyes.... You walk as if you are invisible to everyone around you.. you just don't exist.. but yes your UNDEFINED feeling inside your DEFINED body exists... Its somewhere deep inside all of us.. this thought ... this feeling is always there; to avoid falling prey to it.. we say "Thats Life, Move On" !!!

And, One day this feeling become prominent...blankness takes over you...your senses now experience this intense "Undefined" feeling - tears drop like pearls.... You miss those hands which could catch these falling pearls and make a lovely necklace as a proof of this "Undefined" feeling you have had !!

At this moment you would hear your soul whispering softly in your ear- "Welcome to the world of UNDEFINED feelings!"

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At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, this Undefined feeling do exist.. it exists when we feel the ppl of this world are in hurry and moving fast.. and we are struck and cannot move at that speed.
And we say exactly "Thats Life, Move On" !
But the question remains, do we need to move that fast? is the world really moving fast, or it just seems to us?

I'm sure each one of us, or atleast most of us, go through the same phase at one point or the other in our lives.. perhaps when we are down n out.. or perhaps, as in my case, when we lose all our hopes.

But I also know this would be a temporary phase of life.. sooner or later, it has to end.. else how can this world, where most of us feel the same, go on?

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

Thanks Jatin for reading this "Undefined" blog.. I have no comments.. coz everything goes undefined rite now! But, I agree Life goes on... I know sometimes by peer pressure you are forced to move fast but then Life is all about living each moment of it.. be it defined or undefined.. be it with yourself in this world like an Invisible being !
Further, 'Move On' doesnot mean move fast... it means forget the past and live in present....

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Jatin said...

yeah.. we make the same mistake.. we try to run.. we tell ourselves the world is going fast.. there's no use if we cant catch up..
we r so much concerned of our future tht we forget to live in the present..

Disclaimer: 'we' does not include all.. its just based on my exp.. wht I feel.

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Butterfly said...

d undefined, makes us grow, makes us ourselves, the deep down things dat run within us r d same ones that help is connect n disconnect....

d undefined is painful n yet beautiful...

n somehow u manage to come close to defining it....

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Butterfly said...

d undefined, makes us grow, makes us ourselves, the deep down things dat run within us r d same ones that help is connect n disconnect....

d undefined is painful n yet beautiful...

n somehow u manage to come close to defining it....


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