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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Guerrila Girls - reinventing the "F" word: feminism!

A long tradition of masked avengers like Robin Hood, Batman, The Lone Ranger, and Wonder Woman was taken up by Guerrila Girls - "Girls fighting DISCRIMINATION with Facts, Humour and Fake Fur"

How it all began ????
In 1985, The Museum of Modern Art in New York opened an exhibition titled An International Survey of Painting and Sculpture. It was supposed to be an up-to-the minute summary of the most significant contemporary art in the world. Out of 169 artists, only 13 were women. All the artists were white, either from Europe or the US. That was bad enough, but the curator, Kynaston McShine, said any artist who wasn't in the show should rethink “his” career. And that really annoyed a lot of artists because obviously the guy was completely prejudiced. Women demonstrated in front of the museum with the usual placards and picket line. Some of these so called - "Guerrila Girls" who attended were irritated as they didn't make any impression on passersby.

On spending 5 minutes on research, it was found that: the most influential galleries and museums exhibited almost no women artists. Some said it was an issue of quality, not prejudice. Others admitted there was discrimination, but considered the situation hopeless. Everyone in positions of power curators, critics, collectors, the artists themselves passed the buck. The artists blamed the dealers, the dealers blamed the collectors, the collectors blamed the critics, and so on. That moment these girls decided to embarrass each group by showing their records in public. Those were the first posters Guerrilla Girls put up in the streets of SoHo in New York .
On asking Georgia O'Keeffe why did they come up with the word "Guerrila Girls"? She replies- "We wanted to play with the fear of guerrilla warfare, to make people afraid of who we might be and where we would strike next. Besides, 'guerrilla' sounds so good with 'girl'." Further, Frida Kahlo adds - "Calling a grown woman a girl can imply she's not complete, mature, or grown-up. But we decided to reclaim the word “girl”, so it couldn't be used against us."

These girls wear GORRILA Masks with short skirts, high heels and fishnet stockings. The mask helps in disguising themselves in front of the Press and get the publicity. They say - "We were Guerrillas before we were Gorillas. No one remembers, for sure, how we got our fur, but one story is that at an early meeting, an original girl, a bad speller, wrote 'Gorilla' instead of 'Guerrilla.' It was an enlightened mistake. It gave us our 'mask-ulinity'."

Another humourous Poster by Guerrilla Girls :: In US, Bus companies are more enlightened...

And the most famous poster and one of my favourites by Guerrila Girls...:

Today, there are millions of Guerrila Girls and supporters for this movement. I am glad to learn about this group at the "Tate Modern" Museum at London. Guerrila Girls Rock !!!!

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At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u seem to be a fan of guerrilla girls... planning to join the group?

% of woman artists may be low in no., but now as she has decided to enter the gang, surbhi with her beautiful poems, eye-catching sketches n charm (tht will help include more woman in the gang) may soon beat us, the men.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger sugam said...

what all girls do just to promote discrimination :P

At 3:55 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 3:55 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

God!!! Look at you Sugam.. what a comment ! :)

At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder, how would you live without your arrogance...

At 4:13 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

Lolz.. Junta is getting annoyed at me or the Blog? Lol.. Nevermind!

At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahem, i dont know you surbhiagrawal. I will write you a mail. being a masters in human psychology- I would like to give you some advices. ciao.

At 4:41 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

Hey Mr. Anonymous.. Your comments pretty interesting, just wondering how you use your education to interpret people :)

Would wait for your email of advice !

BTW.. what does your study say about people who go Anonymous ?

Cheers !

At 6:28 AM, Blogger Gaurav Nayyar said...

So, intending to join 'GORILLAS' grp?

Thats amazing to see these kind of groups...some of the posters are informative but some are pathetic ones....but still i didn't got what they want to do by doing all these? just to motivate other women or getting publicity ?
I feels its the latter one by seeing the posters

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

@gaurav : Well to correct yu its "Guerrila".. I dunno if I would like to join them or not.. but I am impressed ! There were more posters and really nice ones in the gallery. These girls are doing it for publicity, and to reduce discrimination against women artists and also work on other women related issues.

At 6:46 AM, Blogger Gaurav Nayyar said...

Let me tell you one thing....if they are doing for publicity then they are not hitting the crux of the problem, I feel there are must better ways of solving the problem. better motivate them, instead of just publicize and do little to solve the issues.

At 6:53 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

@Gaurav : Yes.. they have done a lot and are successful in their ways. Better search more on internet and go through their official site if you are interested in what/why/how they do... Also, if you have suggestions for them.. give to them straightaway on their site.

I just LOVED their POSTERS and hence the Blog.. they just Hit the Target!

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Gaurav Nayyar said...

Just forgot to mention one thing that ur presentation of the idea - by showing catchy posters,pics and statistics - is really gud and informative.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Butterfly said...

hey must say somepretty good information as well as interesting posters.

Its a lil sad thoush dat somethin as intersting as this is restricted only to art... this should extend to more domains:-)

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

Thanks Life Happens ! I agree with you 'Totally' !


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