Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

ROSES are NOT Always Red !!

Here came the Rose Day "7 Feb" in this Bond year (2007)... and for the first time there were no Red Roses around??? Strange .. eh !
Red Rose signifies Love, Pink denotes innocent attraction, Yellow means Friendship and White signifies Peace(No more quarrels). Its the time of the year where Love fills in the air.. its the day where V-day preparations begin. From Rose day to Chocolate day and various other days ending in V-day! Markets, Streets, Archies everything is painted Red... A Red Rose suddenly costs double... and still drives guys n gals crazy !

It was 5pm in the evening when I got a SMS from one of my old friend's.. wishing me "Happy Rose Day" along with a picture Rose in Black... Hmmm... I was impressed ! After all we know Black Rose is extremely rare, precious and most expensive.

I hopped to GK-1 market to enjoy my evening in the market where I feel most comfortable shopping. And wow.. there I saw something so unique.. a collection of roses - in the colors "Violet", "Green" and "Blue". Amazing na ??? I was thrilled ! What a lovely style.. Totally different! How could I stop buying atleast one of each kind.. however expensive it may be ! Gifting Roses to oneself on Rose day .. and those too Special kinds.... !!! Fun !!!

Today I can cheerfully say - Roses are not always Red.. They Could be "Violet", "Blue", "Green" and "Black" !!!

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At 9:07 AM, Blogger Gaurav Nayyar said...

Nice one...but I haven't seen Violet roses, those are spray painted ones....:-)

BTW, why is rose day celebrated? Any idea?

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

Violet roses are not sprayed.. they might be grown with inky water.. But whatever said or done.. they look AMAZING !!!

Rose day - the significance is for cancer patients, Alexandra Rose Day is a charitable fund raising event held in the United Kingdom since's called "Rose Day" in honour of Alexandra Rose. AND The Queen requested that the anniversary be marked by the sale of roses in London to raise funds for her favourite charities.

The day was to be called "Alexandra Rose Day," and the initial drive swept Londoners off their feet. The first event raised £32,000 (the equivalent of almost £2 million in 2002 money). The funds raised were a great benefit to hospitals, and the annual drive became an institution, one of the chief attractions of London’s summer, with Alexandra the star.

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

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At 9:26 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

In India they express their feeling to their loved ones, sweethearts by gifting roses.. It aslo marks that V-Day is coming close.. so begin the celebrations !

At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Angels in heaven
Remind me of you!

At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice blog!
but I don't agree completely.. all roses are red in sm respect.i.e. they signify love .. red one's signifies love b/w lovers.. yellow signifies love of friendship.. white ssignifies love b/w human beings(peace) and so on..

by the way, when can I gift a chocolate to amazing surbhi.. when is the choc day?

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

Thanks Jatin ! Really appreciate your thoughts and comments. But why is it that the world associates RED to be the color of Love? I agree that each colored rose signifies emotion of a sort. I would again say that A Rose is not always RED.. its of all varieties and meant to be !!!

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

BTW.. Chocolate day is on 9th Feb.. The thought itself is more important than the choco! Thanks!

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Butterfly said...

somethimgs go beyond why and because... the moment u ask these q the innosence of d simple fact dies...

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Butterfly said...

somethimgs go beyond why and because... the moment u ask these q the innosence of d simple fact dies...

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

well said Khushbu... Why do we need to dig into the reason of celebrating the day.. just stay wild and enjoy the day !!!!

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi. sounds crude, but somehow i don't like the idea of rose day, father's day, mother's day, chocolate day.... the idea of giving a rose to ur loved one or frndz should come spontaneously from within. u shouldn't be reminded by calender events when to express love. now u said it signified the cause for cancer patients!!! i would buy the rose on this day if the money or even some service goes towards cancer relief. i like the idea of having AIDS day, diabetes day, etc because they help spread awareness around. but awareness for love!!!! i don't digest it somehow....

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Dex said...

Black rose?! Haven't seen that one - but it sounds just beautiful. Does it smell the same???

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

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At 10:17 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

@Kunal : Thanks for posting your comments.. I agree with you that one shud not need a particular day to express ones emotions to someone.. It shud be sponti.. But then one cud celebrate some days in a totally different ways ! You sometimes need a break/reson to break the monotonous daily routine !

@Jimmy : Thanks Jimmy for stopping by my blog.. I haven't yet witnessed the real Black rose.. I wud love to see it in real some day ! I am sure it smells just as sweet as any other rose ! But the other roses look amazing too.. the violets, greens, blues... amazing !


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