Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Conversation between me and a friend !

Pravin: hi sur...
how have u been?
me: i m fine
Pravin: good...
hows work n stuff?
me: ok.. its like sinusoidal curve with short time period
Pravin: ohhh.. thats a nice one :)
me: lol.. am serious ;)
Pravin: u working right now?
me: ya
Pravin: is the amplitude of the sine wave too high? :)
me: lolz
nope its 50% of the peak rite now
Pravin: :))
going up or going down? ;)
me: this is like engineers talk :P
Pravin: i know!!!!!!!
me: going down but I am expecting a glitch
Pravin: lol
oh god, stop this!!!!
me: i hope that this "expected"surge doesn't break my sinusoidal curve
i m laughing
Pravin: me too :)
me: :D

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Kites and us !

Have you ever noticed the similarity between Kites and us (Humans)? It was on the 60th Independence Day of India that we ventured to some kite flying... with all the enthusiasm my cousins began the kite-flying spree. I stood still there, observing how the Kites match up with Human behavior.

The sky was filled with hundreds of kites.. different shapes, color and size.
Every Kite wanted to rise up in the sky. But, some of them while rising up , tried to cut all the other kites who came on their way. These kites were extremely aggressive and Goal oriented.
There were others who were the nasty ones who didn't aspire great heights but they couldn't let others go up. As soon as they find another kite going up they come and mess up with it. Either of them survived.. "Survival of the fittest" !
Also, there were some kites who reacted to the other kites around them only when provoked. These were very defensive and slowly paced with the direction of the wind. Neither proactive nor aggressive... They were quite simple and patient.
I observed different behaviors among kites, ranging from practicality to excitement to cheesy.

When our kite reached up in the sky, I was given a chance to hold it... but the poor kite just dipped down... Kites also need special care, attention and support. With my cousins help our kite again kept soaring high in the sky.

The thread of the kite sustains the life support system and when this life force energy is cut down... Kite gets free from all the desires to soar high in the sky... It just sweeps away free in the sky like a free soul away , away and far away !!!

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