Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Logic defines "Illogical" patterns which have been proven by logic minded people !!

Now here, if you are thinking about the Zero's and One's and the Logic state of the Electronic Devices.. then God !!! :)
Well, What more can you expect from the Logic cruncher ?? In the most Logical style today we define the illogical logic of the logic driven design.. the design that governs the life and soul of so-called logic minded people.. People who could be so emotionless and blinded by boolean ( 0 / 1) that they only try to find logical patterns in every aspect... so, Chip & Life is equivalent.... as they say its either -
Yes/ No..
0 / 1
So, let the logic continue and let the data float.. let the timing be met and slack be positive and continue optimizing the logic in the best possible logical way to attain the ultimate operating frequency targets for the critical logic paths !
Let the Logic in the world prevail and the mysterious illogical patterns be left for the logic minded people to uncover the logic structure behind them !!!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Joy isn't seeing the Blues Win....
It's seeing the Reds go Down !!!

This line reminds me of joyous April 7, 2007 --- The Pink Rose Wine went down & won over the blues !


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


It really matters what you say, where you say and to whom !!!
This incident happened just last week at an Italino Restorantte in London.. when after we finished eating all the Veg Lasagne, Penne Pasta, Bruschetta, Ciabatta, Cheese Crepes.. that we could'nt finish up the Large Mozarella Pizza... still had more than 50% lying in front of us.
Irony, We entered the restuarant coz we had really liked the Dessert Menu and now there was no scope !!!

Anyway, We decided that we would make the large pizza 'TO GO' (in American Language- thats what we say in Austin.. I remembered well and am so used to it)... I asked the waiter for the same and he was taken aback (we saw a wierd look on his face).. Hopefully, he did understand what I meant (though he had hard time earlier while we had placed order for drinks, main course), just to be sure I repeated-"We want a box to make this To-GO".
He asked- "TO-GO?? TO-GO Where ?? Are you visiting UK? Where you from?"
I replied - "Well.. Yes! United States" (Wanted a back up for 'ToGo' thing.. we still saw that look on his face !)
Waiter - "But thats sad... Its not TO-GO.. its Take Away"
Bang !! I knew this was coming...
I said - "Hmmm... Thats what we say out there"
Waiter- "Young Lady, Well not in England.. coz we say what Queen Elizabeth2 decides to say.. and she likes to call it Take Away"
Heck.. I mean enough of it..for a mere two words and that too a synonym !! I just shook my head in agreemeent... And finally the Italian waiter who was barely managing to speak English with all the Italian slang said - "Young Lady, I need to give you English Lessons" And, that was when all others on the table broke into laughter (LOL) !! I smiled - "Yeah! Sure.. someday"

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Tour De France 2007 @ London

21 teams, 189 bikers, ONE ambition - Tour de France 2007 !

In the 104 years of history of Tour de France - first time race started in England at the heart of London City. This was 07/07/2007 - where more than million people got together to witness Tour de France Prologue. It was so exciting to be one of the crowd.. cheering the bikers and see them make record.. 7.9km (From Whitehall to House of Parliament to Buckinghm Palace to Hyde park to Greenwich) in approx 9 mins. Wow !! They just went so fast at speed of 55km/hr. It was just amazing ! I was thinking about Lance Armstrong (another Austinite) and the unbeatable winner of Tour de France SEVEN (1999-2005) consecutive Years... (OK! I know, we all know about him and his success story and for the ignorant few probably this could be of some help - Well, I was thinking how he did it.. why did he retire in 2005, else I could have seen him today and witnessed that energy, zeal, passion to win be what come !!
Whatever said and done.. I was having the time of my life watching Tour de France (most prestigious bike race) for REAL at Hyde Park in London.

So all this time, German guy was topping the charts during the Prologue.. The crowd roared, cheered, clapped as the Londoner hit the track but he made to the third position.. That was when world champion Cancellara (Swiss), holding the Yellow jersey, with CSC team broke all the records by completing the track in less than 9 mins. He just did wonders! It was just few seconds and he made it...

Let's see who'll make the running, win who may!
Next day - Stage1 began... Fans, both young and old and from Britain and abroad, began lining the 203 kilometre route from London to Canterbury, Kent from early on Sunday morning. Luckily again it was a bright sunny day (ideal English summer)!
McEwen, an Australian with the Predictor team, was caught in a crash with 23 kilometers, or 14 miles, to go and, with the help of teammates, made his way slowly back to the front.
With 80 meters to go and the 188-man pack surging to the line, McEwen was battling for the lead. The Australian then turned on his afterburner and won easily. It was the 12th victory in his Tour career. Phew.. Another inspiration from Armstrong ?!?!

And as the stages continue, as Le Tour de France proceeds- many bikers crash and break their bones, block the roads but still many of them rise (not giving up hope) and take up the challenge to swiftly speed up on their bikes to the one common goal....'Live Free or Die Hard' !!!!

I will return to Tour de France again !!!
PS: For more images visit- (Official site)

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Pure Saccharine Sweet

"Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If youwant to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, noteven an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin ofyour selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless,it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable." -C.S. Lewis

For all those who are wondering why this blog is called 'pure saccharine sweet'..
Saccarine means:: A white crystalline powder, C7H5NO3S, having a taste about 500 times sweeter than cane sugar, used as a calorie-free sweetener.

Now, can you believe that ?? Sodium saccharin is 300–500 times sweeter than cane sugar (sucrose). ?? wow !
Ok ok coming back to our quote.. One of my good friend said that one of the most OVERRATED thing in this world is 'True Love' and the other may be 'the senseless boredom / Nirvana'... With years of research and thought its proven that 'True love doesn't save our soul'.. so do we say that the above quote by CS Lewis is all flawed ?

Whatever said and done.. whatever this blog may conclude.. the above quote is followed by so many people.. They believe it and Live it up !

Finally.. on the happy note - Agar Cheeni Kum thi then why didn't the fellows try some Saccharin ?? :)