Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

DARK side !!!

You see this person always so happy, cheerful and bubbly... Let me call this person "X" and refer as "it" instead of him/her. So, X is always happy-go-lucky kind of person.. whose picture brings a smile on your face. But have you ever wondered or cared to think about its Dark Side??

X was once asked if it ever gets frustrated and feels any dark emotions? Something like Spiderman 3 !!! X thought and said "I don't convey them in front of others"... and guess what was the reply.. "Why?? Are you SCARED??". That evening X called me up.. it was upset.. it sounded touched and depressed. I knew something was wrong... I knew X was going through its DARK side...

We all have a Dark side.. but most of the people consider it to be Bad.. They try to hide it from the world and even deny it within themselves. We all go through Mixed Emotions, Sentiments, Anger, Hatred, Depression, fright, worry, etc etc... If you have seen this movie "SEVEN" you would easily recall the famous seven sins. But, each of us react in a completely different way to this Dark side. Some might hide in their own cocoon and not reveal anything.. some might be too secretive to let it ever appear on surface... some might confide in best (bestest) friend.. some might crib in front of whole world ... some just scribble on paper... and some might get aggressive and unsocial. In the end the reactions could be countless and infinite when we are witnessing our dark side.

Whether you agree with me or not.. this bright colorful person "X" does have a DARK side and so do me and YOU !!!

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At 3:03 PM, Blogger Gaurav Nayyar said...

Yeah...I agree with u. Every person has two side :- good and bad. And Its that person's nature, how he deals with them?

Some have control over them to overcome the dark side and some let the dark side overcome them.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

Gaurav, I again ask you why do you think DARK side is BAD ?? I would say it could be emotional , philosophical and bring out creativity from inside !! :)

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Butterfly said...

i dont think ppl feel d dark sides bad... its more on vulnerable grounds...

announchin it 2 whole world has its on mishaps... n if A Mr. M/s particular X or any1 els behaves in a cenrtain sorta way... lits all a result of conditioned learning

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Neeraj | said...

anything "dark" has negative imagery in literature.. so it gets associated with "bad".

everyone has their dr. jekyll and mr. hyde sides.

it's funny how you say "it" instead of "he"!

At 2:22 AM, Blogger Vibrance ! said...

¬ can't see me : I have deliberately used 'it' instead of he/she.. Thanks for visiting my blog.


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