Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Did I scare you - Crazy Cat ?

This Blog is dedicated to the dear Cat that paid a visit to my home... Yes Today !!! I returned from a long, hectic day and as soon as I opened the lock... (this was the last thing on my mind).. I saw pencils scattered on the floor, cushions in haphazard manner.. I knew something is odd... I walked down to the kitchen and the fresh boiled Milk was spill. Gosh! this is crazy ! I had made sure that I closed all the doors and windows before leaving.. so how could the cat actually visit?

I had to investigate this.. I went to each room to see if was there any scope for entry.. I had my brother's Bat in my hand, as if I was ready for some Cricket practise rightaway! Anywayz I saw a small opening at one of the window's, the cat was smart , it actually squeezed itself inside... Wow ! But wait a minute.. Did it find the way out to escape or is it hiding somewhere in the house?? My god ! the mere thought got a chill down my spine... I obviously didn't want to step inside my room coz it was dark... I think the poor cat was scared and hiding somewhere under the bed.. maybe !!! While I was standing in the Dining space thinking of all these things.. a white brown cat came running from one of the dark room's and Woaa... I screammed... At the top of my voice and rushed inside my room and on the bed. Jeez! Scary crazy Cat !! Why is it still inside ? What does it want after messing up in my home .. I stayed quiet, on the bed with my eyes on the door... next 2 mins there was no noise.. pin drop silence.. I had to gain courage to step down and eye around.. Guess wat???? The crazy cat was there, quiet and still... hiding behind the flower pot... Looks like I scared the cat !!!!!!!

Brave me, tip-toed to the patio door and opened it so that the scared one could fled... And yes.. it did ASAP ! Lol.. I laughed and laughed .. I scared you - crazy Cat !

(I hope the crazy cat can’t read this blog coz I don’t want revenges of any sort or any more trespasser Cats at my home… )

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

ROSES are NOT Always Red !!

Here came the Rose Day "7 Feb" in this Bond year (2007)... and for the first time there were no Red Roses around??? Strange .. eh !
Red Rose signifies Love, Pink denotes innocent attraction, Yellow means Friendship and White signifies Peace(No more quarrels). Its the time of the year where Love fills in the air.. its the day where V-day preparations begin. From Rose day to Chocolate day and various other days ending in V-day! Markets, Streets, Archies everything is painted Red... A Red Rose suddenly costs double... and still drives guys n gals crazy !

It was 5pm in the evening when I got a SMS from one of my old friend's.. wishing me "Happy Rose Day" along with a picture Rose in Black... Hmmm... I was impressed ! After all we know Black Rose is extremely rare, precious and most expensive.

I hopped to GK-1 market to enjoy my evening in the market where I feel most comfortable shopping. And wow.. there I saw something so unique.. a collection of roses - in the colors "Violet", "Green" and "Blue". Amazing na ??? I was thrilled ! What a lovely style.. Totally different! How could I stop buying atleast one of each kind.. however expensive it may be ! Gifting Roses to oneself on Rose day .. and those too Special kinds.... !!! Fun !!!

Today I can cheerfully say - Roses are not always Red.. They Could be "Violet", "Blue", "Green" and "Black" !!!

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