Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Me and my Travelodge !

Those were the days when I started writing travelodge... Travelodge is a repository of the trip/travel taken for leisure. It describes the journey, the events, the places visited on every day basis. It outlines the trip and describes it in a nutshell... You might ask me.. why? Why I began writing travelodge?? Was it for show-off, or something to share with friends? Nope.. infact I used to write it for my own reference, collection and memories.. slowly I started sharing them with my family & my loved ones. I realized they would get the pleasure of the snaps from the trip alongwith detailed description making it more lively and enjoyable for them... Hence,this travelodge always had dual affect and even today when I read my travelodge it brings those sweet memories back to me. The moments , the times, each and every bit of the trip runs like a film in front of my eyes... sometimes making me wonder how joyous my trips always are.. Always full of adventure, fun... Each trip had such unique experiences that they can never fade away...

The pic above is from the Dandeli trip (India) with office team... In the midst of jungle on our wildlife-safari... The jungle and the beautiful sunrise with those golden leaves just took my heart away... I had to appreciate the beauty and take some memories with me. Now, coming back to travelodge... My trip to Kerala had tons of adventures.. from leech to bhoot. And, if we talk about my trip to Pondicherry.. I remember how we had to run for our lives - Tsunami 2004 had hit us on the beach!! Well, everytime I read that particular repository I realize that this is my second birth (a new life).. So, memories are not necessarily romantic/sad/nice.. they can be scary too!! I have written about trips both in my country and abroad. Currently, I am travelodging London... Along with travelodge, I enjoy photography but if I get struck with the nature's beauty then I would cry out my heart with ink on paper.. Yes! you got it.. Poetry.. be it hindi / english.. be it Kerala or Colorado.. nature has always touched my soul. Don't worry, am not gonna bore you or elaborate more.. don't want to see that grin on your face... as I said travelodge for me are very personal and NO SHOW-BIZ !!!

For me, a trip is complete only with - Poetry, Photographs and a Travelodge! My travelodges haunt me, surprise me, encourage me, teach me. They make me smile, wonder and pray.. They help me live my life with vibrance and variety of shades.

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