Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Purpose of Life !!

We always desire a lot from Life.. Everyone is searching for happiness without realizing the actual source of happiness.. We keep running after materialist things throughout our life..

Most of us don't even know the 'Purpose of Life'.. They take the Life as a journey and continue to explore it... Some people just live to eat and sleep. Some are just too rigid and can't be flexible, adaptive. Some are too emotional and sensitive to break down in any situation...

It hurts to see that people can't live peacefully on this beautiful earth. We fight over small, petty things instead of loving everyone around us. We don't know what might happen to us at the very next moment... a calamity,death,disease, anything horrid can strike. Just yesterday, I heard one of my acquintances is detected with a deadly- 'blood cancer'. Isn't it touching that we keep fighting to satify our egos, not knowing how precious our life is? How beautiful life could be if we could forget these petty things and live the happy moments in life..

We keep remembering the bad things in past instead of relishing the good times that came along with it.

Someone has said it so well : "We keep rememebering our worst enemy all the times and don't think about God as much." Had it been the other way round.. We would have no enemies... But, the reason we don't think on those lines is because we don't know the purpose of Life.

The ultimate truth is that everyone seeks happiness.. be it in family, richness, adventure, work, materialistic, emotions ,etc.. A person might appear contended but his heart is also searching that happiness. Well, Does that mean we all are selfish beings ?

Vedanta has segragated humbeings in 5 broad categories based on their behaviour, mind-set towards life. These categories are : Stone , Vegetation, Animal , Human, and God-like ,which further have 7 subsets each, creating 35 levels.

When we take birth on earth we start at one of the above categories.. But, all of us are not at the same level since our past Karmas decide the start point of our re-birth. This is called the Karma Theory. Again, its in our hands to be stagnant, fall down or rise from one level to another.

We all tend to cling to things - person/place/emotions/possessions... Do we know that we came alone in this world and have nothing permanent here. Nothing goes with you when you die, no emotions, no relations, nothing.. forget about the money! Only thing that goes with you is your Karmas and your development.

Then why do we feel isolated and lonely ? Why can't we trust and love everyone around us? Why do we worry and why do we Expect? Why do we cheat others? So many unanswered questions...

The Stairway to Heaven is like a Soapy, slippey stairwcase - when you take one step upwards, you tend to fall down 2 steps.. You can't buy the Stairway to Heaven with the enormous Gold you might have accumulated, you have to have the patience, courage , belief to walk on it !!!

Its solely in our hands whether we lead this Life as a mere Journey on Earth or Achieve our Ultimate Goal !

~ OM Shanti !!

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Delhi :: Paranthe wali Gali

Delhi the heart of my country India is a lovely place. Famous for its history, culture, diversity, shopping arena, Delhi Haat and its chaat. Old Delhi is well known for "Delhi ki Chaat", Chandni Chaunk ki " Paranthe wali Gali" and Dariibe ki Jalebi.

People flock from all over the world to experience and have a taste of Delhi. This place also has lots of upscaled pubs,discos and lounge bars. Recently, the restaurants have modified a lot and concentrated on the style and decor. Delhi, specially South Delhi, has its own Style statement. With new restaurants coming up on varied themes and attractive menus to attract people from all generations. The Latest is the projection of old village or remote part of the country into a glamorous restaurant..

Here, I am talking about "Paranthe wali Gali" in old Delhi (Chandni Chawnk) famous from hunderds of years for its Paranthas (Stuffed Bread) served with Yogurt , Pickle. There is a buzz in the town, 'NOT JUST PARANTHAS' (NJP) is the restaurant based on this theme.

As soon as you reach NJP, you notice a olden time cart which was pulled by bullock and an ancient "Hooka" at the entrance. The "Darbaan" is all dressed in traditional dress and salutes and welcomes you in native language. Next step inside the restaurant takes you to another world altogether. Dim lights, Lower seating, and amazing flavor in the air... The waiter was dressed like a "Daakiya" i.e. the Postman who used to wear Khaki dress and delivered the letters door-to-door.

The walls were eye-catching.. They were covered with hand-sketches to depict the old Delhi's Paranthe wali Gali in Chandni Chaunk.. The lanes, houses, and market of that part of Delhi was setup in an appreciable and upscaled manner.
The Menu card looked nothing but a Newspaper.. covering few newsarticles on Old Delhi and its specialties. Inside it had the Menu items listed where you will notice all types of paranthas with mouthwatering stuffings. They serve more than 100 varieties of paranthas in different sizes and shapes like Pocket paranthas,etc. One can chose- the basic style of cooking i.e Tandoori or Tawa fried to a customized "Diet Parantha".

Some examples to quote from their Menu: "Jodhpuri Parantha", "Mughlai Prantha","Papad Parantha", "Achari Paneer Parantha", "Pizza Parantha", "Teekha Aloo Pyaaz Parantha" and the list continues... The most amazing was the "SHARABI Parantha" or the "Wine Parantha" which is served on Fire... Its a delicacy as they put wine while making the dough from the wheat flour and also the stuffing contains almonds soaked overnight in Red Wine.

Also, its worth mentioning the Dinnerware was made of copper, brass metal with unique style, which gives you the actual feel of the Glasses, plates used in olden times in Delhi. Also, the use of "Knife and Fork" is prohibited. There is a sign borad stating so, next to the ancient style wooden window. A glass full of "Lassi" is most refreshing drink in Northern India and NJP serves it alongwith Parantha's in the most authentic manner.

The 'lanterns' create a soothe dim light effect and the aroma of the Parantha's is tempting enough for anyone to experience the Delhi's most upscaled and stylish fashion.

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