Straight from Mind..... (NeverMind) !!

Surbhi's Blogspot aims to spread Vibrance around... "Straight from Mind" will touch upon Real Life Incidences, Learning, Excitement, Experiences and Whatever is Happening !!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Pingu Learns to Fly !!!!

Fren: hi! since when have u been playing pingu?
me: lol dunno .. do u play too ?
Fren: ya after i saw ur status msg
me: Actually.. playing this has made my pingu learn to fly .. my friend just sent me the game . Anywayz, if you are interested in knowing more abt my pingu, see this :
Fren: ur pingu?
me: i have a pingu at home .. my pet :)
Fren: okie gr8 penguin u mean?
me: ya
Fren: i beat ur score mine is 320.1 :)
me: awesome :)
Fren: where did u get ur pet from?
me: Antarctica
Fren: i thot they can survive only in frozen conditions.. okie.. sahi ! u going continents it seems
me: ya.. hav to provide such conditions.. Have kept a small refrigerated area, frozen space at home. Plus, this variety of Pingu can adapt to an extent. Anywayz, i spend free time travelling !
Fren: i hope u stay on earth :)
me: dunno how long that is going to be... :)
Fren: amazing vdo .. i didnt know they can fly
me: they r evolving
Fren: is this concerning ur job as well? are u involved into some research as well? or is this just out of interst?
me: no yaar.. this is time away from work .. I love to travel around the globe.. And so does my Pingu !

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

~Wear Sunscreen~

- Live in Northern CA once - Move out before it makes you too Soft !
- Enjoy power of Beauty before it fades......
- Do one thing that scares you !
- Keep Old Love letters :)
- Remember the Compliments received :)
- Don't feel Guilty about anything !
- Don't worry about future bcoz Real Troubles come without a Knock !
- Don't over Congratulate- "Your Choices are half chance" !!!
- Race is long.. enjoy the journey of life...
- DANCE -> Ecstasy & Bliss !!!!! :)
- Enjoy your Body - Best Instrument given by God
- Stretch -> Yoga . . .
- Be Nice to your Bro/Sis
- Live in NY once but leave before it makes you too hard....
- Respect elders & others around you
- Be ready to Support yourself forever...
- Take advice from others but be patient in applying it !

In this Sunny California .... This is reminder to me- "Don't forget the Sunscreen" !!!!!!!!!!!!

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All Words....

Its all words and just words.. and thats what it is ! When actions don't speak and the words wander in your head...
You tell yourself - I believed those words... you simply, hold onto those words?

You forget that they were nothing more than words.. all you look for is the subsequent action pertaining to those words... Remember, they are just words floating around in air, around your head.. and those words can not come and rescue you if you don't care to shout out loud - 'SOS' !

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Breakfast at Tiffany's

My very very good friend suggested me to watch this movie... He believes I look / behave like Audrey (specially her character in "Roman Holiday"). He is so true !! And now, After watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's", I realize that there are definitely some similarities between me and Audrey for sure...

1. I love NY :) :)
2. Jewellery store is 50 times better than Library
3. Living in your own world and believe that you can live alone
4. You are frightened of the hurt people can cause you.... and so afraid to fall in love..
5. Do weird acts.. jumping / running around, or simply talking infinitely :)
6. Sing & play some music... Surprise self and others around
7. Coats and Big Goggles - Style Check !

Finally, we both know that Nothing compares to the "Big Apple - The city that Never Sleeps" and our fav store the Tiffany's !

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Now or Never ....

Everytime my head tells me its 'Now'... I somehow just can 'Never'.. Never get the courage to come face to face... with the reality. But, reality is a fact which is Now.. in this space and time. No theory can deny it.
According to logical explanations, whatever is going around us at the present moment is 'Present'. People say 'Living in Present' is the best way to live life. Then, Why should I be told to travel in Time Machine?
Its the part of my life when I take each day as it comes.. I live each day as a new life... and then I tell myself.. Its Now or Never ! Either I would Live 'Now' or just 'Never' !!!

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

E-Status Mania

Status : Status message is something that you set on your chat application (eg: Gtalk) message line to display your current status to people friends list. Example: Busy , etc

E-Status or Emotion-Status : E-status is the status message which you set on the chat application (eg: Gtalk/Skpye..) message line to remind both you and other friends in your messenger list of the present emotion / state of mind. Example: Happy,Jaded,In a lil' while,Case in Point, etc
Some people also write a famous quote or poetic note to express their emotion to themselves or people virtually around them. Some people camouflage it so that you don't get it straight but others make it tooooo obvious !

The E-Status mania is really catching up.. At present I see 60% of people in my friends list on Google talk with E-status. Some of them make it Creative with emot-icons, Text formatting and some also provide links to HTML pages like youtube, etc.

Just yesterday, a friend of mine judged my mood from my E-Status.. I was kind of surprised coz I generally, pick the words such that its not too obvious to others... But, now I know that with the E-status Mania catching up people are developing skills on how to read between the lines. Either they really know you as a friend or they 'can' really get to know you (Caution !).

Believe it or not : The latest E-Status Mania has gone Graphics too... you would start noticing E-status matching with picture next to the message..
Some people have seriously started doing that !!!!!!! So, hang on and catch up with the E-Status Mania !

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Day after Day....and yet another Day !

On the New year's eve I was asked to think of some New Yr resolution.. Well.. this was the first time in my history of New Years that I had not taken a minute to think of any resolution.... The video camera was focused on my face, waiting for me to say something.. something that I would start following from tomorrow.. and hence, I came up with few resolutions (after a quick thought)...
Well.. I know, you would say resolutions are meant to be broken. But, then I sort of convinced myself that starting tomorrow I would live upto them.

Since then, It has been - Day after Day and 'yet' another day.... and Day goes by... hoping for the next day.........

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Serial Diner returns with a bang!

She was asked out for dinner by some unknown, unfamiliar guy who just happened to see her at the Hotel reception. She smiled and since, she had had no company.. she kind of accepted the invitation. After that, You know what happened next !
Those of you who don't know Serial Diner -- She avoids Blind Dates.. She would run away or most probably, make you run away if she doesn't know you and (by mistake) you happened to ask her out...
I am sure this return of Serial Diner would give you a complete picture of what I mean...

She was quietly walking down the Hotel lobby, when a guy stopped her and asked... 'Hi! Where are you from?'... 'Well, here only' she replied... she mumbled something and asked back 'What about you?'. The reply came - ' I am from Bangalore'... The conversation started but she was very quiet, as if drifting in her own thoughts...

After a while, the guy asked her what were her plans for dinner tonight and what is her favourite cuisine? And, she was sure what she wanted to say... 'I love Japenese food'.

Serial Diner would match up a weird situation.. she would suggest a cuisine which would be totally unexpected to the guy (host)... This time it was an Indian (south Indian) guy and she knew Japanese Sushi would be the best option for him.

As expected, the guy replied.. 'Wow! I have never tried that before'.... She knew the next thing would be either the guy would refrain from going or he would try to show his willingness towards adventure.
This case he said - "What is Japanese food? I would like to try." Serial Diner replied, 'Sushi.. thats the Japanese delicacy.'
She decided to drive to this restuarant 'Kobe' approx 5 miles from Hotel. The guy was happy, he would get to eat fish but Serial Diner told him that she doesn't eat fish.. so may be they should not eat fish.... Well, He agreed to that also.

Next, She introduced him to the Japanese Menu card and then ordered a 'Vegetarian Sushi Combination'. When the Sushi platter came.. she told him that Sushi is rice roll and mentioned that it is bland. She told him that the 'Green sauce' is used to make the Soya Sauce Spicy. She knew what would happen next... The over-enthusiast (south) Indian guy, added lot of green sauce in the soy to make a paste for dipping his Sushi rolls. What happened next was hilarious.... Anyway, the Serial Diner smiled gently and offered a glass of cold water...
She was amazed at the ignorance of some people.... She was not sure why men get themselves into trouble... she kept quiet...

Who knows the guy enjoyed his meal or not? But, he did say that he would never ever go to Japan for any work assignment.... He bid her 'Good-Night' and told her that he would always remember her... He felt this was height of globalization.. "An Indian trying Japanese food on American land."

The Serial Diner bids goodbye to the first her mind the next story has already begun..... It would be 'mediterranian restaurant' but who will be the man this time........
..... would it be another blind date or somebody blinded by her charms ?

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

World Lives on Hope !!

While driving on the roads of San Jose for the first time, I came across this street 'Hope Drive'. One friend of mine says - "World Lives on Hope"... And everytime he says this, it reminds me of "Hope Dr"...

I drove to 'Hope Dr' today.. wondering to find The World around there. I am sure if people say World Lives on Hope then there must be a reason to it... In this practical life where "Seeing is Believing", where emotions hold less value, where attitude of everyone around is so materialistic.. I, obviously, didn't want to think 'Hope' as some form of feeling / emotion. Hope to me at this moment was 'Hope Dr' , which is here, in the heart of San Jose city...

How do you define world ? Is it diversity of culture, people, religions, dialects, food ? Or it is the unity of mankind ? Feeling of society and oneness ?
For someone in Love, that one Special person would mean the World to him / her. For a soldier returning to his home after a long 3 year war could mean the World to him. For a mother, 85 years old, seeing her son after 20 years could mean the world. For geeks, world could be World Wide Web (www) or for a politician world could be his territory. For a poet, world could be residing in his dreams.......

I trust my friend who says 'World lives on Hope'.... I am sure he means what he says.. I am sure he found his world out there.... but I didn't find my kind of World on Hope Drive.. Or, May be I should just 'Shut-up & Drive' !

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